Video info spot – Digital accessability for educators
Digital accessibility methods and tools have a fundamental part to play in creating equitable learning opportunities for all learners and make it possible for learners to learn in many different ways. However, the wide range of tools, platforms and devices available, with so many features and uses and with new tools being developed all the time, it can seem rather overwhelming and difficult for busy educators to know where to start to become familiar with the most widely used tools and to choose those that are most effective for making their learning and teaching materials accessible to their learners.
The DA4You project has identified a need for more resources and tailored guidance on digital accessibility for educators. Therefore, this guide is designed to be a practical, hands-on toolkit for educators who wish to learn more about the different types of technologies and methods they can use to make their learning and teaching practice more accessible to all learners. Moreover, while DA4You is aimed at digital accessibility training for young adults, this guide has been designed to apply to a range of different educational contexts with learners of other ages.
We hope you will find it useful.
Download document: DA4YOU O4 – Use of digital media communication in education